Friday, August 28, 2009

Recognizing a "Good" Thing

A recent article by Michael Schneider, posted on, cites a new study which shows TV viewing audiences for the major networks are graying. The article: TV Audiences Are Growing Older, reports:

The networks still preach adults 18-49, but the Big Three are all expected to post median ages above 50 this fall -- with Fox not too far behind.

According to a recent study by former Magna Global EVP Steve Sternberg, the broadcast networks as a whole have once again grown older than ever. The five broadcast nets' average live median age this year -- in other words, not counting DVR usage -- was 51.

The question is…why is it reported as a bad development? As Schneider says:

If there was any silver lining for the nets, it's that DVR usage attracted a much younger audience, helping temper their shows' median ages somewhat.

The silver lining is that the major networks still have viewers! And guess what…the TV world has been coveting the 18 – 40 age group for almost 30 years, and HOW OLD ARE THEY NOW?

Boomers especially are products of the TV Age from the 1950’s until now. Boomers are sticking with the networks while younger folk abandon them. And, most importantly to their bottom line -- Boomers buy the products advertised on the networks!

Some appreciation PLEASE!

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